What medications to take for the flu
The flu, from a medical point of view, it is considered as a acute viral infection, which is easily transmitted from one person to another caused by the influenza virus. It usually consists of an infection of the throat, nose and lungs. And although there are different types of flu, such as swine flu H1N1, the most common are flu caused by influenza A and B.
Most of the cases occur during the coldest times of the year, preferably during the autumn and winter months. And although in many cases it is actually confused with a cold, the fact is that while a person can get cold several times in a year, the reality is that they only get the flu once every few years.
In relation to the symptoms it causes, it is usually common to confuse the flu with a cold because in reality the symptoms are similar. However, in case of flu symptoms are fever, body aches, chills, dizziness, headache, decay and nausea and vomiting. These symptoms tend to start suddenly, then disappear little by little.
From the first moment symptoms appear, as a general rule they tend to disappear after 4 to 7 days, since it is the time it takes the body in general enough antibodies to defend themselves. That is why it tends to be said that in fact medical treatments do not cure the flu, but simply help in the process when it comes to relieve symptoms. That is, they are about palliative treatments, never curative.
Fundamentally, the medications that are prescribed in case of flu are:
- Analgesics: they help to relieve pain, being useful for sore throat, muscle pain and headache. The most common is acetaminophen and aspirin, although many doctors advise analgesics that have 1 gr. of paracetamol, to be more effective in soothing bone pain and lower fever.
- Antipyretics: help reduce and reduce fever. The most common are acetaminophen and aspirin.
- Antitussives: they help to calm the cough, by inhibiting the cough reflex at the level of the Central Nervous System. It emphasizes the Dextrometorfano.
- Decongestants: help reduce nasal congestion (mucus).
Today you can find in the market certain anti-flu medicines, which as its own name indicates are drugs that contain effective compounds to reduce the different symptoms caused by the flu. You can find them in envelopes or tablets.
Of course, as you surely know, remember that you should never self-medicate. In case of having flu or cold, it is essential to go to your doctor, who will perform a checkup and prescribe only those medications you need.
Images | whatleydude / Frédérique Voisin-Demery This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesFlu