Contraindications of honey: who can not eat it

The honey It is a very healthy food, very rich from a nutritional point of view both in vitamins (especially A, C, D, B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6) and minerals (such as copper, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, iodine and manganese), in addition to highlighting other very useful and interesting medicinal properties, such as its revitalizing effect, which is why its consumption is recommended in states of physical and mental fatigue, and also in case of asthenia.

It is also a recommended food when it comes to strengthening our immune system, while for its antibacterial and antimicrobial qualities it is an excellent natural option when we have a sore throat or have a cold or aggravated.

However, despite its incredible benefits and both preventive and curative properties, it is a food that is not free of contraindications, not as well known as their nutritional and medicinal qualities and virtues.

Who can not eat honey?

Babies and small children

As we already knew in a previous note in which we explained why babies can not eat honey, we are faced with a food whose consumption It is not suitable for babies or children under 1 year, since it may contain spores of a bacterium called clostridium botulinum, which produces a bacterial neurotoxin known as Botulinum toxin.

These spores can germinate in the digestive system of the baby or the child, causing a serious illness that can sometimes be fatal known by the name of botulism, which causes certain symptoms such as respiratory distress, loss of muscle tone, lack of appetite, lack of expression on the face and difficulty to treat. When it gets complicated it can cause prolonged weakness and nervous system dysfunction.

But the risks of honey consumption by babies and young children is not only due to the possible appearance of botulism, but because consuming it at such early ages may favor the development of allergies, due to both the proteins from the bee's glands and the pollen grains it contains.

People with diabetes

Everyone knows that the consumption of honey is not suitable for diabetics, nor recommended, since it has a greater sweetening power than sugar and its glycemic index tends to be much higher.

Yes, as many nutritionists say, it is advisable to consume honey or any other type of sugar quickly absorbed when hypoglycemia occurs, a condition in which it is necessary to consume simple sugars to increase blood glucose quickly.

If a slimming diet is followed

100 grams of honey provide 350 calories, while 80% are sugars. Precisely for this reason honey is a healthy but tremendously caloric food, so that its consumption is not advisable in people who follow a diet to lose weight, or who want to control it.

Images | ISTOCKPHOTO / THINKSTOCK This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesSweeteners

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