Live every moment to be happier

There is an old and beautiful advice that says we should Live every moment to be able to enjoy the beauty of life, of day to day, but above all of the present.

Not in vain, Horace's appointment carpe diem, quan minimun gullible, who comes to say something like take today, do not trust tomorrow, in a maxim that precisely indicates that you enjoy every moment, that you enjoy today.

Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today, since living every moment allows you to enjoy day to day without thinking about tomorrow, because precisely we do not know what can happen tomorrow.

To live every moment means to live every second, every minute and every hour of the day, at the same time that we enjoy every moment without thinking precisely about tomorrow, about what may happen in the future (whether it be tomorrow or the past).

However, there are people who can say that if the phrase "do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today" redoes on topic, or if it comes to mean just the opposite.

However, we are obviously surrounded by future thoughts: opening a business, engaging in a relationship, starting a career ... All these questions require thinking about the future as a goal.

But the basis is to enjoy every moment, for example when we open a business, at the moment in which we commit ourselves to the person we love, or in which we carry out the study of the career.

Self-help to live in the present

Look into the future it is a necessity that everything man, with a serious project of life, establishes as a norm of existence. The human being is dynamic and therefore in constant evolution and mutation. Hope is synonymous with development and openness to the unexpected.

However, the idea of ​​time can become a ghost that can pull us out of the experience of the present moment. The pastAlthough it is part of the foundation on which we build our lives, it has ceased to exist because it has passed by. Similarly, the future does not exist either, insofar as it has not yet broken into our history.

The only thing left to man, with a sense of reality and truth, is the present in which his experiences are embodied. From the past we can speak through memory, and from the future through imaginary projection. However, the present is spoken by the immediate manifestation in our conscience and, in short, that is the only thing we are owners of, since on the way we can transform it.

The chimera of modern man is to imagine that all time to come will always be better than the past, or the present. But, in reality, only the present is the moment that we can mold at will, and in conformity with the values ​​in which we believe. What's more, if we make a mistake, we can immediately rectify by making every moment the happiness that we all seek.

The illusion of postponing for a near or remote future what we have not yet reached is a trap that takes us away from the possibility of transforming, at every minute, the happiness that is within reach of any man's hand.

Living the present time is the only thing left for us not to spend our lives regretting what we did not do and dreaming of what we want to do. Happiness consists in taking the bull by the horns to enjoy in the present what is already a reality, if we learn to love it as the only existing truth, outside the past that vanished and the future that we do not know when it will arrive. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Psychologist. We advise you to consult your trusted Psychologist.

Want to be happier? Stay in the moment | Matt Killingsworth (March 2024)