Migraines: symptoms, causes and types

On numerous occasions we have suffered from a headache and we have thought that it is just a headache. We try to alleviate it by resorting to analgesics and then wait for it to disappear. However, when it comes to migraines, the headaches are intense and sharp to the point that we need to rest to seek as much relief as possible and sometimes we seek darkness, we avoid light.

The headaches that accompany migraines can be noticed in any part of the head, although it usually affects one side of the head and pain or throbbing in one eye.

There's no doubt One of the main symptoms of migraine is headache that accompanies it, which is characterized by an intense and poignant pain that can prevent us from living a normal life in the moments in which it appears, since we need to rest for a few hours in order to be able to alleviate it.

Symptoms of migraines

In addition to the own Severe, crippling and crippling headache On many occasions, we must not forget that both light and excessive noise bother us. Even someone talking to us, or just the sound of the television even when it is low, can be extremely annoying.

In addition to the pain, migraines manifest with other symptoms like the ones that we detail below:

  • Discomfort.
  • Stomach scrambled
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Light and noise make the pain increase.
  • Alterations in the field of vision (Aura).

Migraine is considered a common neurological disease, for which there is treatment. To rule out whether the headaches are headaches or migraines, we must go to the neurologist to make the appropriate recognition and indicate the appropriate treatment.

It is also important to rule out other pathologies that may be associated or masked in headaches.

What are the causes of migraines?

This neurological disease affects millions of Spaniards, four million of whom three are women. Children may also suffer from migraines, in these cases it is diagnosed as "infantile migraine" usually occurs in children in which their parents or grandparents also suffer from migraines.

Migraines in children usually appear around 4 or 5 years and in the case of some girls if it does not manifest in these ages, appears with the first menstruation, after menstruating.

As you can see, it affects the female population more than the male population. This is due to the hormonal changes that occur in the woman's body. Migraines in women often manifest a few days before menstruation, during and even after menstruating.

The causes of migraines can be several:

  • The genetic inheritance
  • The hormonal changes.
  • Sleep or rest little.
  • Sleeping badly, suffering from insomnia.
  • Stress, anxiety, worries
  • Changes in temperature, (cold, heat, wind).
  • Some foods contribute to migraines, (chocolate, coffee, other stimulant drinks, fats, spicy, sausages).

To avoid migraines as much as possible, it would be convenient to know what is the cause that triggers the migraine.

The different types of migraines that exist

There are several types of migraines and to differentiate them you have to attend to how and when the symptoms appear, also the duration and frequency with which we suffer.

  • Chronic migraine: It can manifest with aura or without aura. It often appears throughout the month and may even last up to half a month. Chronic migraine is usually suffered by people with obesity, sleep problems, anxiety, stress, depression.
  • Hemiplegic migraine: The symptoms that it presents are tingling or immobility on one side of the body that can last a few minutes.
  • Migraine without aura: It does not manifest previous symptoms, appearing suddenly. If we do not take any analgesic or treatment already prescribed as the pain appears, it tends to intensify.
  • Migraine with aura: The symptoms that accompany this type of migraine is the appearance in the view of little lights, flashes, spots, that during some minutes affect the vision.
  • Migraine with aurasomatosensory: What characterizes this migraine is that the symptoms that we describe below are presented before the pain appears, such as tingling in some part of the body, bad mood, feeling of hunger and immobility in some side of the body, symptoms such as of Hemiplegic migraine.

Images | ISTOCKPHOTO / THINKSTOCK This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.

What Causes A Migraine? (April 2024)