Propolis for the flu and the cold

The propolis (also known by the name of propolis) is characterized by being a waxy resin, with a characteristic consistency of viscous appearance and a certainly complex composition.

It is made by bees, which use resinous particles of different vegetables that are finally used for the construction, repair and protection of the hive. Hence its name: Pro (before) - polis (city); or what is the same, "protector of the city".

The truth is that it is one of the most commonly used home remedies during the autumn and winter, especially not only because it helps increase defenses naturally, but because it becomes an excellent remedy in case of flu or cold.

Benefits of propolis for flu, colds and colds

When the coldest time of the year approaches it is always advisable to have a good pot of propolis or propolis in the pantry. Why? Because since ancient times it has become a natural remedy that is certainly effective in the prevention and treatment of flu, colds and colds.

Bearing in mind that when we get sick with some of these diseases it is advisable to go to the doctor, but above all not to self-medicate, since if we take medical antibiotics without control it can cause a natural resistance in our organism to the bacteria in following treatments.

  • Antiviral benefits: among other aspects we find in propolis with poly-phenolic components such as artepilin C, cinnamic acid and phenethyl ester of caffeic acid. They in turn contribute an antioxidant activity, stimulating the immune system.
  • It helps to strengthen the immune system: thanks to its content in certain components that help stimulate the immune system.
  • Natural antibiotic: helps to avoid infections of the respiratory system, at the same time as it reinforces the immune system. All this without causing that natural resistance of our body to future infections, as it does with medical / chemical antibiotics.

Image | nickodoherty

This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesFlu

Propolis: Herpes, Colds, Flu, Candida, MRSA, Asthma, Earache, Sore Throat, and Ulcers (April 2024)