Irregular menstruation: causes and treatment

When a woman has a regular menstrual period, the most common is that she is able to feel the different symptoms of menstruation, which usually occur not only during the actual menstruation process itself, but during the preovulatory, ovulatory and postovulatory phase. But what happens when a woman has a irregular menstrual period?.

Throughout his life a woman can be affected by a series of problems considered "feminine". Among the most outstanding or habitual, we can find ourselves with the absence of menstruation, the menstrual cramps or the typical ovarian pain.

However, a irregular menstruation It is at least a worrisome situation for women who suffer from it, since it can become a "problem" when, for example, you want to become pregnant and is not entirely able to establish when you can return to ovulate. In any case, know your Causes and the treatment to follow can always be very suitable.

What is irregular menstruation?

Before talking about irregular menstruation, it is very important to discover what the menstrual cycle is considered to be normal for a woman. Habitually, the menstrual cycle tends to last between 21 to 35 days, considering that normal menstrual cycle that has this duration. Although it is usual to affirm that the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days.

And what is the menstrual cycle? Very simple: it is the period that passes between the first day of a menstruation and the first of the menstruation or following rule.

This means that a woman can have a menstrual cycle of 24 days, and another of 34 days, and yet it is absolutely normal. In this way, it is possible to verify the length of the cycles, although it is true that each menstrual cycle may differ from month to month.

Everything depends on the woman and even on the state of health that you have at that moment. Thus, there are women to whom the menstrual period comes as if it were a real watch, while there are others whose menstrual period differs a little from date in later months.

A) Yes, irregular menstruation is known as such when menstruation takes more than 42 days to appear. This is because few women have a period of 28 days invariable, since the vast majority have cycles that range between 21 and 35 days.

In this sense, there are two Irregular menstruation types: the amenorrhea (when the woman stops menstruating transiently), and the oligomenorrhea (when the woman menstruates, but she does it from time to time).

In fact, menstrual disorders are very frequent, especially in ages between 10 to 20 years, and occurs normally around 50% of adolescents during the first two years after the arrival of the first period.

Causes of irregular menstruation

We must bear in mind that there are a number of causes that can influence whether or not a woman has an irregular menstrual period. The most common ones can be summarized below:

  • Emotional disorders: They are usually oscillations that tend to occur naturally, being caused by various emotional disorders, such as stress or anxiety.
  • Polycystic ovaries: Polycystic ovaries, in addition to irregular menstruation, also cause other symptoms, such as excess hair and obesity.
  • Hormonal variations: When the hormonal balance is altered (as in the case of adolescence or premenopause), it is common for irregular menstruations to occur.
  • Other health problems: As thyroid disorders or diabetes, among others.

What to do if you have irregular menstrual periods?

It is perfectly possible that you have menstrual periods that do not coincide in duration or at the moment in which precisely menstruation reaches you, especially in comparison with the previous month, since it can be ahead or delayed and be something absolutely normal. That is to say, the rule can go ahead a few days or be delayed 2 or 3 days and be something normal.

What's more, did you know that only between 15 and 20% of women have a typical 28-day menstrual cycle?

But when menstruation becomes irregular, especially when before the period was regular, it is important to consult the gynecologist, who will perform a clinical examination and if necessary will carry out some additional tests. It is also important to visit the gynecologist when intermenstrual losses or heavy blood losses occur.

Treatment of irregular menstruation

The treatment of irregular menstruation it will depend on the cause that originated its appearance.For example, if the cause is an emotional disorder such as anxiety or stress, the basic treatment is that the woman tries to relax, and maintain a relaxed lifestyle.

If the cause is polycystic ovaries, it is a problem that can be corrected by surgery or hormonal treatment.

And in case we are faced with hormonal oscillations, menstruation tends to regulate with the passage of time.

Endometriosis (March 2024)