The benefits of fasting

The fast, from a food standpoint, It is a practice to stop eating voluntarily with the main objective of improving health status, helping in turn to prevent the appearance of different diseases and disorders. That is to say, it consists precisely in that: to stop eating voluntarily during a period of time that should never be prolonged, especially so as not to cause serious consequences to our health. That is why the fast it should not be confused with the anorexy, a psychological disorder caused by the fear of gaining weight. That yes we must take into account that the fasting does not lose weight, since the only thing that is lost is water and muscle protein, in addition to that to stop practicing it after a few days the lost weight is gained since our organism activates a series of saving mechanisms of energy.

However, for fasting to be beneficial and ultimately provide us with both healing and-ultimately-healthy qualities, It is important to do it correctly, without risks to our health. At the time of practicing it, for example, it is especially useful when looking for Detoxify the body and purify it, helping to eliminate all those toxins that have been accumulating.

The most important qualities of fasting

There are many benefits offered by fasting for health. Yes, a fast well done and practiced only during the time advised, without putting our health at risk. The most important ones we highlight them below:

Benefits for the liver and gallbladder

As you surely know, in what refers above all to the functions of the liver, it is a very important organ that, among other functions, is in charge of the process of cleansing the organism jointly with the kidneys.

Fasting is very interesting when it comes to purify the liver, being useful at the time of helping him to eliminate the accumulated toxins in him. For this reason it is very interesting in case of fatty liver, since we help the liver to eliminate accumulated fat.

Benefits for the stomach

It is another of the most important organs of our body, given that among other aspects is responsible for the digestion of food we eat every day through food. However, when the stomach is overloaded it is very common that related disorders appear, such as: heavy digestion or indigestion, heartburn, ulcers and gastritis.

When we fast we let the stomach 'rest' for a few hours, which helps to reestablish your health and that can perform its functions without overload.

Benefits for the colon

Did you know that colon cancer could be easily prevented, if you follow some simple health habits every day? The truth is that being the part of our intestine in which waste accumulates that we then expel with defecation, the appearance of tumors is common since many of these substances are in direct contact with the walls of the colon.

By fasting we provide the colon with less activity, which naturally helps it to clean itself and, therefore, expel waste that can be more dangerous.

Benefits for the pancreas

Although the pancreas is an organ fundamentally related to diabetes and insulin production, the truth is that it is also responsible for other major functions: it is another of the organs responsible for digestion, while also making many enzymes and hormones.

Some studies have found that fasting regularly prevents the onset of diseases related to the pancreas. Of course, the practice of fasting is not recommended in people who already have diabetes or low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia).

Benefits for the nervous system and for the mind

A well-practiced fast helps improve the nerves, which becomes a healthy and natural option when treating and eliminating nervousness, which in turn translates to improve our mood.

On the other hand, it has also been found that after fasting, after only a few days, our mind is much more active.

Image | rosmary This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.

Nutritional Health : How to Clean Your Colon by Fasting (April 2024)