The best home remedies to alleviate allergies

In spring, allergies are very common. In fact, it is quite common the one known as spring allergy, which as we will see below is the allergy that precisely appears during the spring months.

In the case of the allergy that appears in spring, we are facing a exaggerated reaction of the immune system against some external agent that considers as harmful, specifically the pollen of certain plants, since it is activated when it detects foreign agents.

As a consequence of this reaction, an uncomfortable itching appears in the eyes and nose, accompanied by runny nose, tiredness, redness, tearing, rhinitis and coughing like blows.

Although there is no cure for them, they can alleviate their symptoms and make the allergy much more bearable. What is sought is to improve the quality of life during this season.

Relieve allergy eye swelling with cucumber

One of the most frequent symptoms of allergies is swelling of the eyes. To relieve it, this is one of the best home remedies, with ingredients 100% natural and very simple and quick to prepare. As an ingredient you simply need a cucumber.

If the cucumber that is bought is ecological it is not necessary to peel it if it is not, better yes. Cut two slices that are of equal size and placed directly on the eyes, keeping these closed. You take advantage of the moment to relax on the sofa while you listen to music. It is vital that the slices of cucumber act half an hour in the area of ​​the eyes and then they are removed: the first thing you notice is that the swelling has practically disappeared.

Relieve allergy symptoms with pineapple

The pineapple It is a fruit with a natural anti-inflammatory power and, in addition, it contains a lot of vitamin E and bromelain; an enzyme that relieves irritation and nasal congestion as a result of allergy. This is a 100% recommended remedy, both for adults and children, since the symptoms of allergy are minimized significantly.

As an ingredient you simply need a pineapple. During the spring and summer it is advisable to take pineapple daily to alleviate the symptoms caused by the allergy; It can be taken at breakfast in juice or at lunch or at dinner for dessert or even with a salad.

It is advisable to avoid foods that can produce mucus such as dairy products, eggs, fried foods or refined flours; Chocolate is not advisable either.

Decongest the nose with garlic

Practically 100% of people who have allergies say that one of the main symptoms is that they can not breathe well. This home remedy that works wonders to decongest the nose. One of its great advantages is that the effects are immediate.

As an ingredient we will take a garlic clove. Although the taste may be somewhat unpleasant, it is advisable to take a clove of garlic daily. To disguise its flavor a little, it is accompanied with salads or with any other green leafy vegetable.

Home remedy for allergy with sage, rosemary and nettle

An infusion made with 100% natural ingredients and has very good effects when it comes to alleviating the symptoms caused by seasonal allergies. This infusion in particular helps to decongest the nose and, in addition, to deflate the area of ​​the eyes.

For this, we will make salvia, rosemary and nettle. Preparing the infusion is very simple. The first thing is to boil half a liter of water in a saucepan. When it reaches its boiling point, add 1 tablespoon of sage, 1 tablespoon of rosemary and 1 tablespoon of nettle. Remove from heat and cover for 15 minutes. Strain and let cool. Then take the infusion throughout the day little by little.

Carrot and celery juice to alleviate allergy symptoms

One of the best home remedies if you suffer some type of allergy. The celery It contains many mineral salts and the carrot is rich in vitamin E.

To prepare the remedy we need 3 branches of celery, 2 carrots and 1 glass of water. The first thing is to wash the celery and the carrot very well, and then chop them. Place them in the glass of the blender together with the glass of water and beat until you get a juice. Remove and strain to remove possible remains that may have remained. It is taken little by little. This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor.

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