Tea sorbets: recipes

Tea is a beverage that also stimulates us refreshes us, one of the properties of tea and beneficial to our body is that it is an antioxidant.

While the sorbets they become an excellent option to refresh and mitigate the heat that, usually, always there is in summer.

In this sense, for example, it is true that we can always enjoy delicious and delicious refreshing sorbets, as well as knowing the steps to prepare great fruit sorbet recipes.

But what would happen if we put together the main properties of tea with the way to elaborate sorbets? Basically we could also enjoy great tea sorbets.

We encourage you to prepare a delicious tea sorbet very easy to prepare. We also present a variety of sorbets of different types of tea. Whenever it is advisable to use tea of ​​a certain quality you will notice how it gains in flavor. I hope you enjoy tasting these recipes, "good profit".

Lemon black tea sorbet


  • 2 tablespoons of black tea
  • 3 large lemons
  • 150 gr. of sugar
  • 1 liter of water

Preparation of black tea sorbet with lemon

We take 3/4 liters of water and put it to boil, we add the two tablespoons of black tea, let it sit covered for 15 minutes and then we strain it. We make a syrup with the sugar and the rest of the water. Then we squeeze the lemons and add the syrup to the lemon juice and tea we have prepared. We put everything in the refrigerator or sorbetera and when it is assembled we introduce it in the freezer until the time to consume it,

Serve garnished with a few slices of lemon and a few leaves of mint (spearmint).

Green tea sorbet


  • 2 tablespoons of green tea
  • 1 lemon
  • 1/2 liter of water
  • 150 gr. of sugar

Preparation of green tea sorbet

We take the water to boiling to prepare the tea, we strain it and we add the sugar to prepare the syrup. We add lemon juice and put it in the refrigerator or sorbetera. Once the sorbet is assembled, we introduce it in the freezer until it is consumed. To serve it, place it in elongated glasses decorated with a slice of lemon and some mint leaves.

Peach tea sorbet


  • 5 tea bags with peach
  • 1/2 liter of water
  • 1 lemon
  • 150 gr. of sugar

Preparation of peach tea sorbet

We prepare the tea by boiling the water, when it breaks to boil, put the tea bags out of the fire, keep the tea bags at rest for about 3 minutes, then remove the bags and add the sugar and lemon juice, stir everything and we introduce it in the sorbetera. Finishing the process place the sorbet in the freezer until it is going to consume. As all types of tea it is very good to decorate it with a slice of lemon and some mint leaves.

Fruit tea sorbet


  • 5 fruit tea bags
  • 1/2 liter of water
  • 150 gr. of sugar
  • 1 lemon

Preparation of fruit tea sorbet

We put the water to boil to prepare the tea, when it breaks to boil we put the tea bags and remove it from the fire. Cover and keep tea bags at rest for 3 minutes. After this time we remove the bags and put the sugar and lemon juice, remove everything and put it in the sorbet. Finishing the process place the sorbet in the freezer until it is going to consume. We serve in tall glasses, garnished with mint leaves.

Red tea sorbet


  • 5 red tea bags or 3 teaspoons of red tea
  • 1 lemon
  • 150 gr. of sugar
  • Half a liter of water
  • 1 corsage of mint

Preparation of red tea sorbet

To make the tea we put the water to boil, when it boils we put the tea bags and remove from the fire. Cover and let stand about 3 minutes. After this time we remove the bags, we put the sugar and lemon juice and put it in the sorbet. Finishing the process place the sorbet in the freezer until it is going to consume. We serve in tall glasses, it is very well presented with some mint leaves.

If you want to know more about the virtues of teas, you can read more about the benefits of black tea, benefits of green tea and the benefits of red tea.

Image | janineomg TopicsFruit recipes

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