Nougat Ganache to fill your roscón de reyes

Now that there are only a few days left until officially, the Majesties the Kings of the East (also known popularly by the smallest ones with the denomination ofwise men), in many kitchens the traditional and delicious roscón de Reyes, as we usually name it in our country, although there are other variations throughout the world, such as the case of the Bolo Rei in Portugal or the threads of Reyes in Mexico.

As you surely know, basically consists of a wonderful round shaped bun that is made with a sweet dough, which is usual to add orange blossom water, which gives a delicate and delicious aroma. In addition, it is usually decorated with pieces of candied fruit or candied, which gives a much more colorful appearance.

In our country, it is a tradition to eat it on January 6, a day usually called with the name ofKings Day, although there are also those who venture to enjoy it the previous evening-night, after the celebration of the popular Cavalcade of Kings. Inside, a dry bean and a small porcelain King are added. Precisely, whoever touches or finds this bean will have to pay the roscón de Reyes.

Although it can be consumed alone, there are those who choose to fill it out. And what are the most common fillers? Without any doubt pastry cream and whipped cream, in addition to truffle, chocolate or mocha. But nougat fillingIn recent years, it has become another candidate because of its combination of flavors. And, for this, we use the exquisite and classic Nougat from Jijona, because the definitive one is the most traditional one.

Nougat ganache recipe

Do you want to learn how to make a delicious Jijona nougat ganache with which to fill your roscón de Reyes, or any other dessert or Christmas candy ?. We explain what ingredients you need and the steps to follow for this.

As you can see, the preparation is really simple, and you will only need 2 basic ingredients for it. Take note.


  • 600 gr. of cream to mount (it is essential that you have 35% of M.G.)
  • 1 nougat of Jijona (tablet)

Nougat ganache:

  1. Cut the nougat tablet into several pieces and crush it well until it is well ground.
  2. In a cold, dry bowl, whip the cream, with a little patience. When you have acquired a certain body but not fully assembled, add the nougat of Jijona ground.
  3. Reassemble the nougat together with the cream, in its entirety.
  4. Put the nougat cream in a bowl in the fridge for at least 2 hours. This way you will get body when filling the roscón.

How to fill the Roscón de Reyes with your nougat cream:

  1. Put the nougat filling in a sleeve.
  2. Part the Roscón de Reyes in two parts and fill with the nougat cream: to do this, first make a circle around the hole of the roscón de Reyes, and then do the same from the outer edge, to finish making circles until you reach the central.
  3. To finish, introduce the bean in the part you prefer, and the small gift in another.
  4. Ready! You already have it ready.

Image of the turron ganache courtesy of Espía en la Cocina. ThemesChristmas Christmas Recipes