What spices are good for

If you cook regularly it is quite likely that you use them every day in your dishes, as they undoubtedly serve as ingredients almost essential when it comes to enhancing the flavors of a very large variety of foods, being useful for seasoning. Obviously, we are talking about the spices.

As you surely know, spices are the vegetable part of a certain natural product that has flavoring or spicy properties. This aroma or flavor is due to the different essential oils they contain, which were developed by the plant itself as a defensive medium with the aim of combating the attack of herbivores.

Although the spices are used mainly in the kitchen, in order to flavor dishes or even give them a spicy flavor, the truth is that from very old and our ancestors used them from a point of view of the most natural medicine, for its different qualities , properties and benefits. And is that depending on the spice to be used vary their virtues, so that while, for example, the pepper is good to prevent thrombosis, garlic prevents bacterial development.

To decrease the coagulability of blood

Certain spices help positively to reduce the coagulability of the blood, so that we could consider them as preventive foods of diseases and disorders that appear due to problems in the blood coagulation.

In this sense, spices such as peppers or chilies are ideal to prevent thrombosis and myocardial infarction.

To reduce cholesterol

Levels of high cholesterol pose a risk to the health of the heart, and ultimately to health in general, as they increase the risk of suffering a cardiovascular accident.

A habitual consumption of spices helps positively to reduce the accumulation of fat in the arteries, as for example is the case of pepper and turmeric.

To decrease gas and prevent indigestion

Many spices also have interesting digestive benefits, being also particularly interesting at the time of reducing the meteorism that come from intestinal fermentations.

Highlights include spices such as marjoram, thyme, cumin, basil and oregano.

On the other hand, they also help improve digestion and absorption of fats. This is the case of curry and mint, which favor the secretion of bile. The same happens with mustard, cayenne, garlic and chilli pepper, thanks to the presence of capsaicin, which causes the heart to expel a greater amount of blood in each contraction, in a way that favors a greater blood supply to the body's tissues.

To eliminate toxins and prevent fluid retention

Certain spices are useful to purify our organism, helping us in a natural way when it comes to eliminating toxins and, therefore, avoiding the retention of liquids.

This is the case of laurel, parsley, garlic and rosemary.

Image | Clyde Robinson This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesSpices

Using Herbs and Spices to Improve Your Health (April 2024)