Autumnal diseases: what are they and tips to avoid them

The autumn, in addition to bad weather and something more cold, may be accompanied by the typical autumn diseases. This is, autumn diseases own of this beautiful time of the year.

This is mainly due to the change of season, although also the change of winter time This can have an impact, since the reduction of solar hours can cause a hormonal destabilization that produces a decrease in the defenses (with which, it is appropriate to know how increase defenses).

However, the best way to prevent autumn diseases is to know which are the most characteristic and elementary in this season.

Diseases typical of autumn

We summarize below some of the autumn diseases More features of this station:

  • Colds: With the passage from a warm environment to a somewhat colder one, our organism can suffer a weakening in its defenses, which causes us to feel resentful or constipated. In order not to get sick, we must avoid currents and move quickly from a warm environment to a cold or very cold one, and take the appropriate hygienic measures to prevent other people from infecting us (washing our hands regularly, especially when we come from the street, and avoid brush your hands with your mouth or nose).
  • Flu: The flu is one of the most typical diseases of the autumnal and winter season. Not in vain, in the fall is when the period of vaccination against influenza begins. The measures to avoid contagion are the same as with colds and constipation.
    You can know more about the Side effects of the flu vaccine.
  • Depression: The depression in autumn (also known as autumnal asthenia) is another of the most characteristic elements of this station. This is mainly due to the change of season and the reduction in daylight hours, which, together with an increase in bad weather and cloudiness in general, causes the person to tend the first days of autumn to feel sad or melancholic.

Tips for autumn diseases

  • Follow a balanced diet, based on fresh fruits and vegetables. They will provide you with the vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients that your body needs every day.
  • When it starts to get colder, wrap yourself well before leaving home.
  • Avoid sudden changes in temperature.
  • Avoid self-medication if you catch a cold. It is best to go to your doctor and be the one who prescribes the medicines you need.
  • Practice outdoor physical exercise. It will help you enjoy the landscapes that fall offers you and reduce the stress, anxiety and depression of autumn.
This article is published for informational purposes only. It can not and should not replace the consultation with a Physician. We advise you to consult your Trusted Doctor. ThemesAutumn

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