Crudiveganismo: raw food. Its benefits and disadvantages

It is known by the name of rawiveganismo, and consists of the doctrine or practice of veganism (abstaining from the consumption or use of products of animal origin) with the raw feed; that is, with the consumption of edible raw foods.

Hence, this expression derives from the union of words crudivorismo Y veganism, finding us in turn with synonymous expressions, such as vegan crudivorismo or raw veganism.

Everything evolves, even our way of eating. That is why we have known for some time the green revolution, which is here to stay. Vegetarianism, veganism or diets without meat they are not a passing fad, those who perform them define them as a means of change necessary for their own health and that of the environment.

The rawiveganismo It is one of the food options that are making inroads in recent years, after the growth of vegetarian and vegan diets in our society. Those who realize it and preach it consider that feeding while being more linked to nature, is better.

A raw meat carries a 100% vegetable feed, in which the food is not cooked above 42 degrees Celsius, the maximum temperature they can reach when exposed to the sun.

What is raw veganism and what does it consist of?

Raw veganism comes from the union of two concepts: crudivorismo, which is raw or uncooked food, and veganism, which promotes a totally vegetable diet, excluding food from animals and their derivatives.

The raw vegans also bet on the environmentFor example, many consume local vegetables, thus saving energy costs and reducing the carbon footprint that occurs with the importation of them.

Therefore, in this diet Foods that have chemicals are eliminated or that produce toxins in our body, such as:

  • Those cooked above 42 °
  • Those of animal origin, eggs, dairy products and their derivatives
  • The packaged and processed
  • Refined foods such as sugar, flour and salt
  • Transgenic
  • Alcohol

While some think that this type of diet is limited and repetitive, they admit the opposite, saying yes to all cereals, vegetables, vegetables and seeds, in addition to experimenting in the kitchen, so as not to get bored.

As the world changes, the raw vegans invite people to learn and know what it is that is eating, how healthy animal meat can be and how negative the consumption of sugar can be in excess, even without knowing what it is. which is being ingested daily.

Raw veganism is gaining strength in a world where the tendency is to go towards the natural, focused on physical and spiritual balance. All those who follow this diet claim that their diet provides all the necessary nutrients.

That is, it basically consists of consumption of natural foods, which do not contain artificial additives and also have not been exposed to temperatures higher than those produced by the sun (that is, around 40 ºC approximately).

That is, a vegetarian diet is followed, based only on the consumption of raw products, which have not been heated above 40-46ºC (slightly warm) or have been cooked.

As we know, when cooking food, enzymes and other essential nutrients contained in them are destroyed, and this is precisely one of the main concepts defended by followers of raw veganism. On the other hand, they also defend that the body assimilates much better certain foods when they are slightly warm, and that they can even activate the enzymes of food by wetting them in water before consumption.

What do the raw vegans eat?

Food is reduced to everything that comes from Vegetable world: green leafy vegetables, vegetables, fruits, vegetables, sprouts, seeds and nuts. Eliminate potatoes and aubergines because they can not be consumed in the raw state.

The raw vegans claim that in the vegetable world are all the vitamins, minerals and amino acids that our body needs, and that the benefits of this lifestyle they are reflected in the mood, beyond health.

Asparagus, broccoli, celery, onion, aloe vera and sprouts of legumes are the most used products in this type of food, which although it does not allow the cooking of food, it does allow them to be processed, beaten or liquefied.

Its disadvantages

Because it is a restrictive diet and without animal feed, after a lifetime diet in this way, you may have shortcomings in your diet. vitamin B12 and iron, which are only obtained from foods of animal origin, as well as deficiency of calcium.

If the diet is not varied, it can affect the level of good cholesterol, although it is a type of natural diet especially useful to help reduce the levels of bad cholesterol. Also, people often suffer from headaches, nausea and anxiety, caused by the restriction of proteins and complex carbohydrates, in addition to generating symptoms such as fatigue and discouragement.

Generally, the recommendation is to have a multivitamin complex and consult a doctor or nutritionist before deciding to say yes to a raw vegan diet.

Useful tips if you want to follow a raw vegan diet

  • The energy requirements of our organism must be met, since raw veganism is a very satiating diet because it contains a lot of water and fiber, and perhaps less calories are consumed daily, so it is important to add calories and nutrients with the fruits dry.
  • Vitamin B12 supplements is an excellent option if a person decides not to consume foods of animal origin.
  • Through the consumption of legumes, these become the basis of protein intake in plant-based diets.

In short: Basic approaches to raw veganism

  • Consumption of natural, ripe, fresh, whole and unrefined foods.
  • Consumption of dehydrated foods at temperatures no higher than those produced by the sun.
  • The consumption of foods with concentration of starch is avoided, as is the case of potatoes and ungerminated cereals.
  • Balance between sweet fruits, fatty vegetables, vegetables and edible green leaves with other kinds of foods, such as acid fruits, legumes, fermented or cereal sprouts.
This article is published for informational purposes only. You can not and should not replace the consultation with a Nutritionist. We advise you to consult your trusted Nutritionist. ThemesVegan

Lo que necesitas saber sobre la dieta RAW TILL 4 (April 2024)